Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lind's Character

I believe that Lind tries to show us that his beliefs on interacial marriages are rising and that each race will soon become to complex for there to only be one race, but many races combined. Lind has proven to me his authority. He was the editor of Harper's which appeared in the New York Times Magazine in 1998. This tells us that he has something to say and that we should listen to him. He shows the audience that he is trustworthy and honesty in his research by telling us where he received his information on the topic. Also he tells us statistics of many surveys that prove his theory of the races combining. Lind argument is clear on the fact that he wants to explain to us that when we think America is changing, there are still changes we will face over time. Lind's motives are not seen as offensive but as an explaination of his thoughts that our world, concerning race, is evolving right before our eyes.

State Farm's Lebron James Football Commerical

In this commerical, Lebron James' message is that his athletic talents go beyond the sport of basketball but also football. The commerical tries to make us laugh with the humor of Lebron being the new superstar in football using his basketball skills to dominate the NFL. He makes it dramatic, such as Michael Jordan did when he decided to switch to baseball, with a media conference.
State Farm Insurance uses their new football melody to depict that Sunday is the best day of the week and using Lebron as an icon, making Sunday a day to watch a superstar shine and take his team to a championship. Once Lebron snaps out of his dream, he lets us know that wherever he goes, even on the best day of the week, that State Farm will always be there with him. This meaning that whenever you need help or guidance that State Farm is the one to rely on. Having Lebron be a celebrity figure indorsing their company tells people that Lebron can do anything he dreams with State Farm and so can you.