Tuesday, February 17, 2009

File Sharing Sources

Playing a Different Tune by Kurt Fritz

In Playing a Different Tune by Kurt Fritz, he acknowledges that the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has been trying to prevent the increasing number of illegal downloading of music. The RIAA has been around since 1952, their efforts have been focused on trying to protect the artists' property rights of their songs. Napster was seen as the first peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing service, but was put out of business by the RIAA in less than two years of existence. Napster's service came from a central server compared to other P2p services which have multiple workstations instead of one nucleus. RIAA has moved from looking for the main server to individual users. RIAA's lawsuits have forced people to pay thousands of dollars either outside of court or with costly trials.

The Financial Aid 'Stick' Against Illegal Downloading by George H. Pike

In The Financial Aid 'Stick' Against Illegal Downloading, George Pike explains that illegal downloading is a challegne for copyright owners and universities. Pennsylvania State University has tried to provide legal downloading through a network funded by the university. Congress has tried to pass the Higher Education Act to prevent illegal downloading in colleges by cutting of federal financial aid funds if these colleges and universities do not put in policies to punish students caught file sharing. The Joint Congressional Committee tried to impliment a few network security products to universities to find illegal downloading in schools. P2p files make it difficult to completely prevent music downloading in the college campus.

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