Friday, February 20, 2009

Why I Hate Britney by Nisey Williams Pg 276.

Nisey Williams believes that Britney Spears is to blame for her fear of motherhood. She states that Spears' sexual image makes self-concious pre-teens think they need to parade around in skimpy clothing to appear attractive to the opposite sex. Because of Spears' actions, girls want to be like her trying to wear more grown-up fasions. Williams feels that society needs more respectable female icons.

Williams is afriad of having children because of the pop culture's emphasis on sex. Tv shows women with little clothing on making it difficult to protect children approaching puberty. Britney Spears is to blame. Not only Spears, but many pop divas do not help the cause with their showing of little clothing. Spears won most powerful celebrity of 2002, making her "the forefront of this sex-crazed phenomenon"(277) Britney's stripper like outfits contradicts her statements of trying to save her virginity for marriage. Her actions speak louder than words with her sleazy image. Some one who doesnt sell their body in order to sell music is Avril Lavigne who has criticized Britney for her image. She wears clothes that she would wear everyday, unlike Spears who "goes onstage and dresses like a showgirl" (277). Britney states in Rolling Stone, that when girls were little they played dress up in their mother's clothing and it is the same now for her, just dressing up. But it's different from when you are able to have your own clothing and flaunting it around. Britney states in an In Style interview that why not show some skin because she is a girl. It is a very good thing to say for little girls out there thinking its okay to flaunt what they have because they are girls. Many girls that try to have this image go through eating disorders and have destructive behaviors, not realizing that Britney has millions of dollars to pay people to help her look the way she does. It's hard to keep children away from the sexual material the pop culture portrays, but parents still need to try to teach their children morals and good behaviors. Williams states that children today will do anything to get what they want. One teenage girl through a fit in a department store for her mother not buying her the thongs she wanted. Supposedly, this twelve year old gets made fun of by her peers because she doesnt wear thongs. This sex heavy pop culture will negatively influence children, because their could be a increase in sexual activity among middle school children. Girls are now trying to dress up sexy like their icons, such as Jennifer Lopez. These girl fashions are being marketed as 'tweens' by stores who want to promote what these girls want to wear. Pop culture seems to be getting worse with these 'barely there' outfits. America's pop culture needs more respectable female icons.

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